by Rhonda2.0 | Oct 31, 2021 | Monday Funny, My Favorite Things, Useful Crap
This is a really fun thing to play with. Guaranteed to brighten your day. Trust me. Just type something. Bart Simpson Chalkboard Generator | Tired of all the crappy bart simpson chalkboard generators? Yeah so was I, so I whipped this monster up! Have fun...
by Rhonda2.0 | Sep 11, 2021 | FAS
Thank You Frank! I needed that laugh.
by Rhonda2.0 | May 28, 2021 | FAS, Sports
Watch One of the Most Inexplicable Baseball Plays You’ll Ever See An early-regular season game between the Cubs and Pirates is the kind of thing that usually passes with little notice. But a defensive miscue for the ages made Thursday’s affair one to...
by Rhonda2.0 | May 7, 2021 | FAS, Really?
Signal Tries to Run the Most Honest Facebook Ad Campaign Ever, Immediately Gets Banned A series of Instagram ads run by Signal got the messaging app booted from the former’s ad platform, according to a blog post Signal published on Tuesday. The ads were meant to...
by Rhonda2.0 | Jan 27, 2021 | FAS, List of Your BETRAYERS!, Music
Hillary Clinton vs James Comey, Music Video “Email” Song Composed By Hillary Clinton (credit SociallistMop) Came across this while listening to a Quite Frankly podcast.Thank you Frank! Song Composed By Hillary Clinton (credit...
by Rhonda2.0 | Jan 12, 2021 | Monday Funny, While You Were Sleeping
Join me in a pledge of allegiance to the official narrative BigTech just purged the president of the United States and untold numbers of creators and users. We are working around the clock to keep up, but could do with extra help. Consider a $5 donation today. Thank...