Quarantine (2008)

OK. So I’m on Apple’s Quicktime site watching some coming attractions, hoping to see that Vin Diesel movie that never seems to be coming out and I run into this movie called Quarantine. I’m excited while I’m pressing the link. It sounds like...

Black Sheep Boy (1995)

I wish I had read the warnings about this movie before I rented it. I don’t know why I put this movie in my cue but it arrived to my house broken in two. I returned it and ordered another one and it arrived broken in two. When asked again if I wanted a...

REC (2007)

REC• (aka How Many Times Do You Have to Kill a Bitch! Seriously!) is a GREAT Spanish horror movie. I saw it in Spanish without the subtitles (and no i don’t speak spanish) and it scared the shit out of me. It seems to be about a news reporter doing a human...

Vantage Point (2008)

I saw this movie the other day. I loved it. I almost passed it up because those Siskel and Ebert or Ebert and Roper or whatever they are now both agreed that it wasn’t good. Luckily for me, if I want to see a movie, who cares what the critics think. The movie...

My New DVD Player

So I got a new DVD Player because my old one finally gave up the ghost. It was a Toshiba. It cost $20 so about all it did was play DVDs. I tried to replace it with an old Apex that I had that also cost about $20 but i guess DVDs have changed over time and that player...